The Perth Mint 2023 November Bulletin | Page 12

Recent releases
Starts Monday 20 November . * T & Cs apply

Recent releases

Find our most recent releases by scanning this QR code or visiting perthmint . com / latest
Click & Collect Collect your order FREE of charge at The Perth Mint
Return policy 30 day , 100 % refund guarantee
Exclusions apply
Mint security 100 % safe and secure online shopping using 256 SSL encryption
Free shipping Worldwide on all orders over $ 300 excluding bullion & subscriptions
eBulletin This Bulletin is available online at perthmint . com / eBulletin
Mint privacy The Perth Mint does not sell , loan or share your personal information perthmint . com orders @ perthmint . com 1800 098 817 310 Hay Street , East Perth PO Box 6297 , East Perth , WA 6892
All information , including pricing and availability , is correct at the time of printing . To check current pricing and availability , please call or visit our website . The Perth Mint reserves the right to correct any errors or omissions , and to change or update information , at any time without prior notice . All coins have been digitally resized for visibility and vary in size . 30 day refund includes online , telephone & mail orders excluding bullion , Collector ’ s Edition loose diamonds and purchases from The Perth Mint Shop . TM and © 2023 The Perth Mint .